Balt - Yacht Open Days
2nd and 3rd June 2023 are Balt-Yacht shipyard open days.
Take this opportunity and test premiere Balt 37 Grand with inboard Yanmar 110 HP diesel engine or new elegant black and white version of bestselling SunCamper 35 powered by Mercury outboard 115 HP . It will be a great possibility to get familiar with nautical characteristics or various equipment options available on each boat model and the best part – advantages and opportunities of having a houseboat.
Those interested in visiting our production premises are kindly welcome on 2nd June, 2023 between 9.30am – 10.30am, when we will provide a detailed tour showing crucial stages of boat manufacturing, starting from the mould stage till end-finishing on product assembled.
Due to limited time, individual price negotiations are kindly asked to be postponed in further contact. However, participating in the event guarantees having 2022/2023 boat season prices and receiving one of the options – antifouling or different hull colour (available from Balt Yacht catalogue) as a gift.
We kindly ask to confirm your attendance during Open Days on:
izabela.saczko(@)balt-yacht.home.pl , marcin.paul(@)balt-yacht.home.pl">marcin.paul(@)balt-yacht.home.pl, beata.markowska(@)balt-yacht.home.pl">beata.markowska(@)balt-yacht.home.pl
87 643 18 00 (wew. 20 lub 36)
Open Days agenda:
2nd June (Friday)
09:30-09:40 meeting in Balt-Yacht conference room (1st floor), Żarnowo Pierwsze 9B, 16-300 Augustow
09:40-10:30 Balt Yacht shipyard tour
10:40-10:55 transfer from shipyard to boats mooring place– Zimowa 12 street, 16-300 Augustow
11:00-15:00 Balt 37 Grand and SunCamper 35 – tour and tests on Necko lake, Zimowa 12 street, 16-300 Augustow
15:00 planned end of the event
3rd June (Saturday)
10:00-15:00 Balt 37 Grand and SunCamper 35 – tour and tests on Necko lake, Zimowa 12 street, 16-300 Augustow
15:00 planned end of the event